Custody battles can be heated and cause plenty of stress for both parents. During these legal conflicts, parents can make mistakes that jeopardize their case. What is the biggest mistake in a custody battle? We’ll look at some actions that can be detrimental to both the child’s and the parent’s case.
Engaging in Emotional Outbursts and Negative Behavior
Unfortunately, the intense emotions associated with custody disputes in California can cause parents to behave in negative ways. Sometimes, that can result in angry confrontations, derogatory remarks about the other parent, and displays of hostility. The courts can take notice of these behaviors. In turn, that can affect the judge’s opinion on whether the parent can provide a stable and supportive environment for the child.
When it comes to child custody, the courts will consider each parent’s ability to have a positive relationship with the other. In cases where one person consistently bad-mouths the other or engages in aggressive behavior, that can raise concerns about their emotional state. As a result, it can be detrimental to the child’s well-being. Judges often favor the parent who can cooperate and put aside personal grievances for the sake of their child.
Using the Child as a Pawn
Children should never be used as a pawn in the custody battle. Manipulation, coercion, or pressuring the child to take sides are some ways that the other parent can try to influence a custody battle. These actions are psychologically damaging to the child and not viewed favorably in the courts.
If you are going through a custody case, make sure to shield the child from the conflict as much as possible. They need stability, love, and reassurance from both parents. When a parent tries to alienate the child from the other parent, it diminishes their credibility in the eyes of the court.
Ignoring Legal Advice
Ignoring legal advice is another major misstep. When people disregard their attorney’s guidance, they could make decisions that hurt their case. Everything from withholding visitation to making unilateral decisions about the child’s upbringing to failing to comply with court orders goes against any advice provided by a lawyer.
Failure to Document
Documentation is a critical aspect of custody cases. Failing to keep accurate and comprehensive records can be a significant mistake. This includes records of communications with the other parent, a log of visitation schedules, and any incidents that might be relevant to the case. Detailed documentation can provide evidence to support court claims and help demonstrate the parent’s reliability and commitment to their child’s welfare.
Not Focusing on the Child’s Needs
All custody decisions in California focus on the child’s best interest. Both parents need to prioritize their young one’s physical, emotional, and educational needs above all else. In these cases, parents need to develop parenting plans that consider their child’s needs and well-being.
A parenting plan should also consider other aspects, such as the child’s schooling, extracurricular activities, medical care, and emotional support. These steps can help secure a custody arrangement in your favor.
Don’t Make These Child Custody Mistakes
What is the biggest mistake in a custody battle? In most cases, it happens when emotions and personal vendettas take precedence over the best interests of the child. Judges will look at all aspects of the parent’s case, including each parent’s behavior. By cooperating and putting your child first, you have a better chance of getting a ruling in your favor.
If you have questions about your child custody case in California, reach out to Roberts & Zatlin Law Office. Our team is here to assist with your divorce case. To schedule a consultation today and receive a free initial assessment of your case, please call (951) 381-8147 today.