William H. Gregg


Attorney William Gregg completed his undergraduate education at Claremont Colleges.
After college he attended Law School at the University of La Verne. While attending law
school he received a CALI award in Community Property. Little did he know then how
important that subject matter would be to his future career. Since law school his
knowledge of community property has greatly expanded, litigating complex community
property issues.

He has focused his legal career exclusively on Family Law. Over the years he has gotten
literally hundreds of people through some of the worst times in their life. When things are
hard, he knows what to do. He enjoys helping his clients in their challenging time and has
madea difference in people’s lives. He has volunteered his time at the Family Law Legal
Aid Clinic with the Riverside County Bar Association. He believes that everyone should
have an attorney that they can count on in a divorce and feels that no one should have to
go through the divorce process alone.

He is always an advocate for his client’s interest, but he will do so with respect to others.
Even in very tense and emotionally challenging situations he is respectful and thinks about
how the issues can be solved rather than acting out of emotion. He would prefer to have
his client’s divorce settled by negotiation out of court. However, he will quickly file for
court action when negotiations are no longer productive, or the other side is asking for too
much. He is comfortable in negotiation as well as litigation.